Quality Care Services

​Quality Care Services

Tereen offers a flexible, reliable and friendly service to those who need additional personal support including older people and frail, vulnerable adults and those with:

  • Life limiting conditions
  • Physical disabilities (strokes, multiple sclerosis etc.)
  • Dementia

Tereen Ltd delivers the following services:

  • High dependency care (two carers)
  • Rehabilitation care
  • Hospital discharge support
  • Key personal support:
    • Personal hygiene and care
    • Dressing/undressing
    • Bathing, washing, shaving and oral hygiene
    • Toilet and continence requirements
    • Meal preparation, serving and eating
    • Shopping
    • Transportation
    • Housework (cleaning, laundry etc.)
  • Assistance with physical health needs e.g.: medication, health related requirements, accompanying to appointments etc.
  • Companionship and general support in social tasks e.g.: writing letters, reading, liaison with family/friends, fulfilling a hobby etc.
  • Support in community engagement and cultural, leisure and social activities
  • Respite care to enable a break for carers
  • Signposting and liaison with other support agencies
  • Assistance with the development of skills and support in positive risk taking to promote independence

Safeguarding our service users is our key priority and services are only delivered by trained staff whose competence has been proven through our recruitment and training procedures. We are committed to the continuous professional development of our staff thus ensuring provision of a safe, dynamic and responsive service.

We do not assist with tasks for which we are not qualified, those which require the skills of qualified clinical professionals for example, chiropody, insertion/removal of urinary catheters etc. We recognise the changing requirements of our service users and regularly review personal care assessments and risk assessments to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of those whom we support, at the same time addressing and minimising the risks which may threaten their wellbeing.

We work with service users and their families to ensure that from the moment of our first engagement with them, we understand service users’ needs so that we can fully support them in identifying and achieving their own desired outcomes.