About Our Care

How we Support People

Our aims and objectives are fundamental to the way in which we provide our services.   These are reviewed annually as a matter of course, but in addition we review these:

  • To reflect changes in legislation
  • To reflect best practice or lessons learnt (internally or externally)
  • To comply with commissioners’ aims and objectives and/or
  • In response to service user feedback

Aims and Objectives

  • Delivery of a flexible, person centred domiciliary care service of the highest quality which safeguards, sustains and improves the wellbeing of service users
  • Delivery of a domiciliary care service which complies with and promotes the principles of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014
  • Supporting service users to achieve wellbeing
  • Ensuring that service users are at the heart of decision making in terms of the way in which their care is delivered, and in the identification and achievement of their outcomes
  • Working in partnership with service users, their families/friends and other stakeholders
  • Safeguarding and preventing the escalation of need by ensuring that the right help is delivered appropriately at the right time
  • Delivery of a domiciliary care service staffed by a professional, trained, happy and motivated team willing and able to engage positively with service users and their families, communicating with them in their language of choice
  • Driven by our genuine commitment to quality and continuous professional development, to provide a service which is continually improving and evolving to meet the changing needs of service users
  • Provision of a compliant, quality service which offers efficiency and flexibility

Arrangements for assessing, planning and reviewing people’s care

We actively promote the independence of service users, encouraging them to make their own decisions, identify their own outcomes and control their own lives. We ensure that they are fully supported in maximising their independence in accordance with a service delivery plan informed by their own desired outcomes and care preferences.

Prior to the start of care, one of our care managers will meet with the service user and their representatives to plan the care. At this meeting, the Care Manager will agree with the service user and family/representative a service delivery plan ensuring the service user’s preferences are at the forefront of all care-related decisions. After this meeting, a service delivery plan will be composed. Service delivery plans based upon service user preferences, are delivered in a manner to ensure their safety, to respect their dignity and to promote their independence. As service delivery plans and outcomes are reviewed in response to evolving needs, we ensure that service users remain at the heart of all decision making, retaining ownership of all decisions relating to their care.

Working with service users to define and co-produce their desired wellbeing outcomes, we recognise the significant benefits which can be achieved relating to any/many of the following:

  • Meeting basic physical needs, improving physical symptoms, behaviours and mobility
  • Improved mental wellbeing and morale
  • Ensuring personal safety/security
  • Increased cleanliness/tidiness
  • Keeping alert/active
  • Social inclusion – including opportunities to contribute as well as to receive help
  • Control over daily routines
  • Feeling valued and respected
  • Being treated as an individual
  • Having the right to input into care decisions
  • Recognition and respect of cultural/religious/spiritual beliefs

Through a dynamic, person centred approach to needs assessment, our Care Managers can identify both implicit and explicit needs. These needs are usually discussed during the initial assessment stages, although new needs may appear as the package of care progresses. Once a new need is identified, be it from a care practitioner reporting it to the office team or direct input from the service user, Tereen Ltd uses its close relationship with external agencies to put in place the relevant resources to meet those needs.

Should you wish to know any further information on how we support people, please click this link to request a brochure