Why Tereen?
Core Values of Care
- Privacy: The right for a Service User to have their own space and undisturbed whenever they choose so
- Dignity: An understanding of a Service User’s needs and treating them with respect
- Independence: A Service User enabled to take calculated risks, to make their own decisions and think and act for themselves
- Choice: Enabling opportunities for a Service User to choose from a range of different options
- Rights: Keeping all basic human rights available to Service Users
- Fulfillment: Enabling the Service User to recognise their own aims and assist them to achieve their goals in all aspects of daily living
The realisation of these values, together with the level of help and support required to achieve personal goals, will be a unique process for each person – every person is an individual. However, the value principles remain constant and will provide a sound foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances.
All Care Staff are appropriately qualified to deliver the highest standards of care. We offer all care staff a continuous training programme to ensure we maintain these high standards and they are upheld in line with the latest changes in Care Practices.
Management, Organisation and Staffing
Our team compromises of:
A Managing Director and a director who also acts as the Responsible Individual and is governed by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). Our Managing Director is registered and governed by Social Care Wales (SCW). He holds the level 5 Diploma in management of a care service and has extensive experience in various areas of the care industry. Our Responsible Individual holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Education, and also delivers training to Tereen’s staff. The Directors are supported by a Service Manager, a Business and HR Manager and 6 care managers.
Community Managers who work in the community monitoring care standards and constantly reviewing care packages to ensure the SDP remains current and meets the individual’s needs. Our community managers hold, or are working towards a level 3 diploma in health and social care and they are also supported to work towards the level 5 diploma in management.
All our care staff attend induction training at the beginning of their employment. Training is very important to us so all of our employees, both junior and senior level, continue to attend training throughout their time with us. Our care staff are expected to work towards the QCF Diploma in Health & Social Care (levels 2 and 3) and are fully supported through this. Further, management are encouraged to work towards the QCF diploma level 5.
Quality Assurance
Tereen is always committed to provide the best possible service and to achieve this we continually check on what we are doing by talking with our staff and with outsiders who have opportunities to see and judge our work and above all listen to our customers. This process is called quality assurance. It involves:
- A visit from a senior team member to the service user’s home every two months to hear their views at first hand and carry out a care review
- Our care workers will have regular supervision meetings with their line manager
- Every 12 months each service user will be sent a Quality Assurance Questionnaire to fill in and return to our office. We include a pre-stamped envelope for your convenience
- We will carefully check and up-date all service user files, timesheets and other records
- In addition to these opportunities, please feel free to let us have your views at any time. We need to know how we are doing, and you are best placed to tell us
After each quality assurance process, we complete a report of our findings to discover what we do well and where we can improve. This report is available to all that wish to see it and should you like a copy, please contact the office to make your request and one will be sent to you by post.